Re: [libxml++] Ver. 2.6 vs 2.7 installation question


Vladislav Grinchenko a écrit :


It seems that as far as pkg-config tool is concerned, the *.pc
file should have the same name in all 3 cases rather then

case 1 : /usr/lib/pkgconfig/libxml++-1.0.pc
case 2 : /usr/lib/pkgconfig/libxml++-2.6.pc
case 3 : /usr/lib/pkgconfig/libxml++-2.6.pc

Is there a problem with the way case 1 packages the files?
Should then name of PC file be libxml++2.6.pc in all 3 cases?

This allow to have different versions of libxml++ cohexists on the same system. The last two (2.6 and 2.7) have the same name because 2.7 API is binary compatible with 2.6 API.

The installation itself is confusing too:

case 1 : /usr/include/libxml++-1.0
case 2 : /usr/include/libxml++-2.6
case 3 : /usr/include/libxml++-2.6

case 1 : /usr/lib/
case 2 : /usr/lib/
case 3 : /usr/lib/

Looks like there is no version difference between 2.6 and 2.7 ???
But according to, 2.6 and 2.7
have different APIs but they suppose to work just fine with libxml2 >=2.6.1 and glibmm-2.4 >=2.4.0.
2.7 API only add new interfaces to 2.6, and their are (well, at least should be) binary compatible.

BTW, here is the place where I've got RPM from:

And this is THE ONLY place where I could get libxml++ RPMs from.
I wouldn't mind building my own RPM from a tarball, but for installations without development environment, this is out of
question. I should be able to point my users to some RPM repository
with sane properly built libxml++ RPMs.
No official RPM exists. See this thread :

Sounds like the RPM is wrong and for all libxml++-2.k.x where k >= 6,
they all should be identified as libxml++-2.6.pc and should
all install in $prefix/include/libxml++-2.6 and so forth.
If the problem is related to the RPM, you should see that with the person who makes it.

Conclusively, '' should test for:

PKG_CHECK_MODULES(XMLCPP, libxml++-2.6 >= 0.26.0)

The only problem I have with this approach is that it doesn't mirror libxml2's structure itself (but perhaps it shouldn't):

I'm not sure to get what you mean here



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