RE: [libxml++] sax parser

> From: libxmlplusplus-general-admin lists sourceforge net 
> > The order of nodes or attributes is meaningless in XML. In the real 
> > world, it matters for nodes, so that, for instance 
> paragraphs are in 
> > the right order in DocBook documents. But I would resist having a 
> > meaningful sequence of attributes if I was you. You should be 
> > presenting your XML as something other than XML.
> It is not meaningful to XML or machines, but it is often 
> meaningful to HUMANS! If we are making a XML editing 
> application--whatever it is--where people might be editing 
> some of the XML by hand, mnay would prefer attributes remain 
> in the order they originally wrote them for some reason. In 
> HTML editors, this is sometimes called "roundtrip" where the 
> tool attempts to preserve the integrity of the original HTML 
> as much as possible.

If libxml++ does not preserve the order, and libxml does, then I'm willing
to consider this a bug.

Murray Cumming
murrayc usa net

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