Re: [libxml++] sax parser

Murray Cumming Comneon com a écrit :

From: libxmlplusplus-general-admin lists sourceforge net

It is not meaningful to XML or machines, but it is often meaningful to HUMANS! If we are making a XML editing application--whatever it is--where people might be editing some of the XML by hand, mnay would prefer attributes remain in the order they originally wrote them for some reason. In HTML editors, this is sometimes called "roundtrip" where the tool attempts to preserve the integrity of the original HTML as much as possible.

If libxml++ does not preserve the order, and libxml does, then I'm willing
to consider this a bug.

It looks like SaxParser does not preserve the order of attributes in start_element callback, since it uses an AttributeMap which is defined as std::map<std::string, std::string>.
Anywhere else it should be ok since we use directly libxml2 API.

The solution would be to use a std::vector< std::pair<std::string, std::string> > instead of a std::map<std::string, std::string>. Loops on the container would be almost unchanged, but looking for an attribute by it's name would be a little more change :
could becomes something like :

struct FirstIs {
   std::string const & s_;
   FirstIs(std::string const & s): s_(s) {}
bool operator()(std::pair<std::string, std::string> const & v) { return v.first == s_; }

find_if( attribute.begin(), attribute.end(), FirstIs('name'))

We could eventually provide a helper to make it easy.
I think the overhead wouldn't be sensible unless we have dozens of attributes

Thoughts ?


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