[libxml++] Blunt Q: what C++ bindings for XML?

Blunt question:  does anyone have
any recommendations for C++ bindings
for XML manipulation?

I chose libxml++ because

(1) the libxml2 webpages at xmlsoft.org
    said libxml++ looked like the most active
    C++ bindings for XML / C++ wrapper around 

(2) Apache Xerces did npt have xpath support;
    pathalan provides Xerces spath support,
    but I thought one-stop shoppig would be good
I haven't looked seriously at any other C++
bindings for XML.  

Does anyone have any recommendations?


I'm still at the point where I am thrashing
about as to what language to do my XML work in.
Most will be in a scripting language like Perl
or Python; I need minimal support in the native
language for the simulators I write, C++.
I don't need DTD support or the like in C++;
pretty much all I really need in C++ is xpath.

And, I'd *like* something I haven't seen any XML
package in any language support: the ability to
record the raw text, not only of the text, but also
of the tags and attributes.

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