Mediation attempt (was Re: [Libxmlplusplus-general] resume of one day's work)

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Hi folks,

It seems we have a small problem :-/

As the official maintener of libxml++, I must say a few words. My goal here is 
to clarify the situation, and to avoid the project to 

A few weeks ago we decided with Murray that current API would be the 1.0 one, 
and that no changes would be done on it, except for bugfix or adding 
Then Stefan came with really good ideas to make libxml++ a better wrapper of 
libxml++. More than that, it would permit to implement easily some features 
like xpath.
I'm reminding this to you since, in my opinion, it permit to andersand why 
Murray did not appreciate that accessors has been *added*, and so the API 
changed (the initial patch of Stefan almost did not change the API, just 
reimplemented it differently).
Now I must admit that the tone he used would have irritate almost anybody.

I won't give reason to one or another of the protagonists, I just don't want 
the good work of both of you not to be loosed for libxml++. You both have 
more experience than me and you cannot image how I appreciate your 
participation on the project.

Stefan, the last modifications you added are definitly good ones, but to 
preserve everybody's nerves, we'll keep them (iterator stuffs) on the 
unstable branch, and the future 1.0 version will keep the current API.
As Murray always did on this project, I invite you to warn us if you're going 
to commit some changes (backward compatible or not) in the API, so such 
situations won't (I hope) happen again.
Some discussions we had about evolution of the lib were implicitly concerning 
the future unstable branch. I could have been more explicit about it, sorry.

Now I let you both "laver votre linge sale entre vous" ;-)

Best regards,


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