Re: [libxml++] FW: GNOME Platform Bindings release set

On Tue, Dec 09, 2003 at 12:37:29PM +0100, Murray Cumming Comneon com wrote:
> Would libxml++ like to be on this GNOME release schedule, along with gtkmm?
> Please read the Rules before making a decision.
> It would mean freezing the next (1.2, 1.4, 2.0 or whetever) API around
> Febuary 16th, with total freeze on March 22nd. I think it's possible,
> because I don't know of any tasks other than
> - using Glib::ustring
> - Adding the TextReader API (mostly done by Christophe in a patch)

  What about the new xmlReadxxx APIs. If we really want to build 
a stable long term API I think libxml++ must be built on top of those
especially make 100% sure you don't rely on global variable parser

> - make sure that we don't use any deprecated libxml API.

  That's quite easy to check.

> Actually, I would like to call the next libxml++ API 2.6, using 2.5.x during
> the unstable phase, to show what version of libxml's API we target.

  What's your schedule ? I should at least take half a day reviewing 
libxml++ code , especially if this get integrated in some form of 
official release within GNOME :-)


Daniel Veillard      | Red Hat Network
veillard redhat com  | libxml GNOME XML XSLT toolkit | Rpmfind RPM search engine

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