soup_cookie_new() domain


According to RFC 6265

If the server omits the Domain attribute, the user
agent will return the cookie only to the origin server.

This is exactly the functionality that I wan't.

According to the documentation for soup_cookie_new()
If domain starts with ".", that indicates a domain (which matches the string after the ".", or any hostname that has domain as a suffix). Otherwise, it is a hostname and must match exactly.
and the parameter domain is described as:
domain: cookie domain or hostname

How should I set the domain parameter to indicate that the Domain attribute should be omitted?
If I do not set the parameter domain i.e. setting it to NULL, I get a 
runtime warning.
I the source code I find this comment:
        /* We ought to return if domain is NULL too, but this used to
         * do be incorrectly documented as legal, and it wouldn't
         * break anything as long as you called
         * soup_cookie_set_domain() immediately after. So we warn but
         * don't return, to discourage that behavior but not actually
         * break anyone doing it.

If I set domain to the empty string "", I don't get a warning, but this must still be wrong according to the libsoup documentation for domain for soup_cookie_new(), as it is neither a domain nor a hostname.
What will be the correct according to the libsoup documentation to set a 
cookie without the domain attribute as described in RFC 6265?
I would say that domain = NULL would be the right thing to specify, but 
I can see that someone writing the comment in the source code strongly 
disagree with that.
Best regards
Egon Andersen

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