Re: GTlsCertificate issues - always BadRequest / 400

On 10/09/2013 11:07 PM, Bernhard Schuster wrote:
Is anything wrong with the below code? The very last asseration fails
which is kinda weird, if I remove everything ssl related it works just

  cache = cache_new ();
  server = soup_server_new (SOUP_SERVER_PORT, (guint)opts.server.port,
                         SOUP_SERVER_SERVER_HEADER, "eebusrestifier",
                         SOUP_SERVER_TLS_CERTIFICATE, tlscert,
  g_assert (soup_server_is_https (server)); // FAILS

There's nothing wrong with your code, it's a bug in libsoup.
soup_server_is_https() wasn't updated for the new
SOUP_SERVER_TLS_CERTIFICATE property; it only returns TRUE if you used
properties. (And as a result of this, when it receives a connection,
it's not expecting https, so it returns 400 Bad Request.)

This will be fixed in libsoup 2.44.1, which comes out next week. And
assuming you are just getting your GTlsCertificate from a file, you can
work around the bug by just using the old SSL properties instead.

-- Dan

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