Re: Change of behaviour in rage requests

On 08/17/2013 11:06 AM, Jens Georg wrote:
On Sa, 2013-08-17 at 16:44 +0200, Jens Georg wrote:
in 2.24.2,

soup_message_headers_set_range (message->request_headers, 499, 0);

Let me rephrase that: 8524d46134 seems to cause that when I call
_get_headers on a message with above range, I get:

Ranges: 8247343456435003746 7811852299414626661

Can you provide some sample code showing exactly what you're talking
about? When I add that call, I see "Range: 499-0", which is what you'd
expect. (The function doesn't actually check that the range is valid.)

-- Dan

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