Re: Help with cookies and authenticate

On 10/20/2011 01:02 PM, bsquared wrote:
> Hello,
> I am trying to figure out the correct way to use cookies with libsoup
> and couchdb.  I have not been able to find an example of this, so I
> thought I would ask here. I'm not sure it matters, but I am coding in
> Vala.

So, step one is that you want to add a SoupCookieJar to the session (via
soup_session_add_feature()). You can either use the plain SoupCookieJar
if you don't need persistence, or SoupCookieJarText or
SoupCookieJarSqlite (in libsoup-gnome) if you want to keep the cookies
between sessions.

> If a user accesses a resource with user and password in the url 
> ie. "user:passwd example com" I would like to use that information to
> get a cookie from and then redirect the user to
> their requested resource or handle a login error.
> I am also curious as to how to handle the user:passwd info in the uri.
> Should I discard it?

It sounds like what you mean is that you want to look at the URI the
user has requested before you pass it to libsoup, and if it contains a
username and password, then first make a request to
instead to get the cookie. Assuming that is successful, SoupCookieJar
will store the cookie for you, and then you can just make the original
request, after removing the username and password from the URL.

(If is an HTML form, then you can use the functions
in soup-forms.h to construct an appropriate form response.)

> Also how should I handle a cookie that times out.

SoupCookieJar will do that for you.

-- Dan

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