Re: [sigc] How to include libsigc

I normally just write my Makefiles by hand, so I found this to work:

widget.o: widget.cpp widget.h
     g++ ${CCFLAGS} -c widget.cpp `pkg-config --cflags --libs sigc

However, what are the advantages/disadvantages to this and the method
Jeff described earlier?


> for the love of all that is holy, don't do it. auto* were a step up once
> but no more. project after project is dropping them because of the
> extreme kludge level these tools represent. not to mention an almost MS-
> like attitude that enables dropping forward *and* back compatibility
> every other major release. there are lots of ways of doing exactly the
> same things with regular make or with my now-preferred build tool,
> scons.
> --p

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