Re: [sigc] Re: [Boost-users] Signals & Slots

On Sat, 2005-01-08 at 12:34 +0100, Murray Cumming wrote:
> On Sat, 2005-01-08 at 06:05 -0500, Carl Nygard wrote:
> > On Sat, 2005-01-08 at 09:23 +0100, Murray Cumming wrote:
> > > On Fri, 2005-01-07 at 20:10 -0500, Carl Nygard wrote:
> > > > sigc::connect() -- can it take a function object or ptr-to-function or
> > > > must they be wrapped with sigc::ptr_fun() or sigc::mem_fun()?
> > > 
> > > You can use a pointer-to-function without using sigc::ptr_fun(). I
> > > tested that just now.
> > > 
> > > A pointer-to-member-function without sigc::mem_fun() would be useless
> > > without the object instance.
> > 
> > Yeah, but it can assume operator()() if given the address of a class
> > object instance, in the case of a function object.  That's what I meant
> > by "function object ... without... sigc::mem_fun()"?  Is that supposed
> > to work, or is the explicit sigc::mem_fun() required?
> Yes, this works:
> class foo
> {
>   public:
>   void operator()(int i)
>   {
>     std::cout << "foo(int "<< i << ")" << std::endl;
>   }
> };
> int main()
> {
>   sigc::signal<void, int> sig;
>   foo instance;
>   sig.connect(instance);
>   sig.emit(1);
> }
> Again, I am surprised. I'm not sure whether I like it, but I guess
> people should be less surprised as they get used to functors.

does the following code surprise you at all?  compile with:
g++ -DALL -o example1 example1.cxx `pkg-config sigc++-2.0 --cflags --libs`

#include <iostream>

#ifdef BOOST
#include <boost/signals.hpp>
#define TRACKABLE boost::signals::trackable
#define SIGNAL boost::signal
typedef SIGNAL<void (int)> Sig;
#include <sigc++/signal.h>
#define TRACKABLE sigc::trackable
#define SIGNAL sigc::signal
typedef SIGNAL<void,int> Sig;

#ifdef ALL
#define NORMAL
#define SCOPE
#ifdef BOOST
#define BOOSTREF
#define PTR2
#define PTR

class Functor : public TRACKABLE
    Functor() : id(count++) {} 
    Functor(const Functor& obj) : id(count++) {}
    void operator()(int i) const {
        std::cout << "foo[" << id << "](int "<< i << ")";
    int id;
    static int count;

int Functor::count = 0;

void Test(const std::string& msg, const Sig& sig)
    std::cout << "  " << msg << ":";
    std::cout << std::endl;

int main(int argc, char** argv)

#ifdef NORMAL
        std::cout << "Normal" << std::endl;
        Sig sig;
        Functor f;
        std::cout << "  Connecting: "; f(0); std::cout << std::endl;
        Test("Normal", sig);

#ifdef SCOPE
        std::cout << "Scoped" << std::endl;
        Sig sig;
            Functor f;
            std::cout << "  Connecting: "; f(0); std::cout << std::endl;
            Test("Scoped", sig);
        Test("Scoped-disconn", sig);

        std::cout << "Boostref" << std::endl;
        Sig sig;
            Functor f;
            std::cout << "  Connecting: "; f(0); std::cout << std::endl;
            Test("Boost::ref", sig);
        Test("Boost::ref-disconn", sig);

#ifdef PTR
        std::cout << "Ptr" << std::endl;
        Sig sig;
        Functor* f = new Functor;
        std::cout << "  Connecting: "; (*f)(0); std::cout << std::endl;
        Test("Ptr", sig);
        delete f;
        Test("Ptr-disconn", sig);

#ifdef PTR2
        std::cout << "Ptr2" << std::endl;
        Sig sig;
        Functor* f = new Functor;
        std::cout << "  Connecting: "; (*f)(0); std::cout << std::endl;
        sig.connect(sigc::mem_fun(f, &Functor::operator()));
        Test("Ptr2", sig);
        delete f;
        Test("Ptr2-disconn", sig);


  Connecting: foo[0](int 0)
  Normal:foo[2](int 0)
  Connecting: foo[3](int 0)
  Scoped:foo[5](int 0)
  Scoped-disconn:foo[5](int 0)
  Connecting: foo[6](int 0)
  Ptr:foo[8](int 0)
  Ptr-disconn:foo[8](int 0)
  Connecting: foo[9](int 0)
  Ptr2:foo[9](int 0)

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