Re: [sigc] Re: [Boost-users] Signals & Slots

On Sat, 2005-01-08 at 09:23 +0100, Murray Cumming wrote:
> On Fri, 2005-01-07 at 20:10 -0500, Carl Nygard wrote:
> > sigc::connect() -- can it take a function object or ptr-to-function or
> > must they be wrapped with sigc::ptr_fun() or sigc::mem_fun()?
> You can use a pointer-to-function without using sigc::ptr_fun(). I
> tested that just now.
> A pointer-to-member-function without sigc::mem_fun() would be useless
> without the object instance.

Yeah, but it can assume operator()() if given the address of a class
object instance, in the case of a function object.  That's what I meant
by "function object ... without... sigc::mem_fun()"?  Is that supposed
to work, or is the explicit sigc::mem_fun() required?

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