libseed-list when seed uses WebKit Frame's js context , it can't handle callbacks.

Hi :)

We are having an issues when we use seed with WebFram's JS context, it simply can't handle the callback's but the same script
works with seed (seed_init(...).). Details of the problems can be read from :

So did some debugging, and the error originates from JSObjectCallAsFunction (in seed-closure)

  return_value = (JSValueRef)
·       ·       ·           (JSObjectRef) privates->function, (JSObjectRef) privates->function,
·       ·       ·           num_args, jsargs, &exception);

since the JSObjectCallAsFunction retuns with an exception 

(** (seedtest:6776): WARNING **: Exception in closure marshal. Line 0 in [undefined]: RangeError Maximum call stack size exceeded.

:(. So really stuck here.. wondering.. why this works with the seed's js context but
not with Webkitframe's global js context :(....

How can we solve this ?

This problem can be easily observed by creating an engine from WebFram's global js context, (ex: like in seedkit).

Siraj Razick

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