Re: libseed-list Hooking into the imports system

Do you think it would be an idea to copy the nearest standard here for your 'autoprop' Object. ?

var o = imports.autoprop.defineObject({
    get : function (name) {

    set : function (name, value) {

    enumerable: function(name) {



 --- On 02/Jul/2010, Jonatan Liljedahl wrote: 
> Yes, this was a nice solution. See attached 'autoprop' module. (Feel 
> free to include it in the main distro, I think it can be very useful for 
> all sorts of special objects. Perhaps one should also add callbacks for 
> CallAsFunction, CallAsConstructor, GetPropertyNames, etc..)
> With this I could simply do a custom module-importer object like this:
> var make_importer = function(startPath, chain) {
>      var o = new imports.autoprop.Object;
>      o.get_property = function(name) {
>          if(name==="searchPath") return imports.searchPath;
>          var searchPath = startPath || imports.searchPath;
>          for(var i=0;i<searchPath.length;i++) {
>              var path = searchPath[i];
>              var file = path+'/'+name;
>              var file_als = file+'.als';
>              if(_module_imports[file])
>                  return _module_imports[file];
>              if(GLib.file_test(file,GLib.FileTest.IS_DIR)) {
>                  return _module_imports[file] = 
> make_importer([file],chain.concat(name));
>              } else
>              if(GLib.file_test(file_als,GLib.FileTest.IS_REGULAR)) {
>                  GLib.file_get_contents(file_als,script={});
>                  ctx = new Context;
>         = path;
>                  ctx.eval(script.contents);
>                  return _module_imports[file];
>              }
>          }
>          // fall back to original seed imports
>          for(var i=0,ns=imports;i<chain.length;i++)
>              ns = ns[chain[i]];
>          return ns[name] || null;
>      }
>      o.set_property = function(name, value) {
>          if(name === "searchPath") {
>              imports.searchPath = value;
>              return true;
>          }
>          return false; //or true to not allow custom props to be set..
>      }
>      return o;
> }
> var module = make_importer(undefined, []);
> // then I can use 'module' instead of 'imports' and it works exactly
> // the same except it also handles my algoscript modules:
> var Gtk =;
> var foo = module.mydir.mysubdirfoo;
> /Jonatan
> Jonatan Liljedahl wrote:
> > I don't see how this would be solved easily..
> > 
> > if 'xxx' is my magic handler, then autoloader can create an object 'xxx' 
> > that calls my handler on get_property().. so my handler would be called 
> > with 'zzzz'. Let's say 'zzzz' is a folder, and I want to 
> > load the file foo from that folder.. Nothing I can return from a 
> > javascript handler would allow 'foo' to be fetched unless it's already 
> > an existing member of 'zzzz', since there's no 
> > Object.prototype.__lookupProperty__ hook or similar.
> > 
> > Maybe one could make a generic 'dynamic object' class in C, which could 
> > be used recursively...
> > 
> > auto = new imports.dynamic.Object;
> > auto.get_prop = function(prop) {
> >   var x = my_lookup(prop,base);
> > //  if x is dir, return a new dynamic Object with a handler for that 
> > directory..
> > //  if x is a file, parse and return namespace..
> > //  etc...
> > };
> > 
> > /Jonatan
> > 
> > Alan Knowles wrote:
> >> It sounds alot like the autoload feature that was added to PHP.
> >>
> >> It was only after the feature was made available that everyone 
> >> realized that it was a flawed design (by that time people had already 
> >> started using it...)
> >>
> >> The partial solution was to add SPL::autoload() which does solve some 
> >> of the problems..
> >>
> >> for seed it might be that we have something like
> >>
> >> imports.autoloader.register('xxx', function(args) {....});
> >> or
> >> imports.autoloader.register('xxx',;
> >>
> >> ZZZ =
> >>
> >> That should give you the syntax you are after, without making it too 
> >> confusing, along with enabling multiple handlers to be defined..
> >>
> >> autoloader could easily be implemented in a very simple module...
> >>
> >> Regards
> >> Alan
> >>
> >>
> >>
> >>  --- On 30/Jun/2010, Jonatan Liljedahl wrote:
> >>> Alan Knowles wrote:
> >>>> My concern here is that this would make code very difficult to 
> >>>> understand.
> >>>>
> >>>> Is there a way to implement this where it is an explicit behavior 
> >>>> rather than an implicit,
> >>>> Hence, when it is being used, you know from the syntax that it may 
> >>>> be trying to do
> >>>  > something magical, rather than overloading the 'reasonably'
> >>>  > predictable behavior of imports.
> >>>
> >>> I think that would be up to the developer, to use the notFoundHandler 
> >>> in a wise way. My plan is mostly very 'reasonable', simply to add 
> >>> support for modules written in a custom language and not having to 
> >>> bother if a module is written in C, javascript, algoscript, or 
> >>> imported from GIR.
> >>>
> >>> But I can see other (more or less reasonable) use cases too, creating 
> >>> virtual namespaces under imports to integrate with other stuff, and I 
> >>> think it would be a very elegant feature.
> >>>
> >>>> or could this not be done client side?
> >>>> eg.
> >>>>
> >>>> imports.smartloader.load('xxx');
> >>> Yes, that's almost what I do now, I have an 
> >>> imports.algoscript.Importer class with a root instance at 
> >>> imports.algoscript._root_importer, so that I can do:
> >>>
> >>> zoo = imports.algoscript._root_importer._import('');
> >>>
> >>> But it means a lot of not-well-working duplication of the seed 
> >>> imports object, since I want to use it for both normal seed imports 
> >>> and also to handle directories the same was as seed imports does. 
> >>> (above should work if foo is a dir, bar a file and zoo a variable in 
> >>> that file)...
> >>>
> >>> Also it looks very ugly, so I have created special syntactic sugar in 
> >>> algoscript to make it look like "zoo = import".
> >>>
> >>> The very nice thing with the imports object is that the properties 
> >>> are virtual (they are created/found on the fly), but that any "real" 
> >>> JS object in the chain simply takes over from there. You don't need 
> >>> to care what part is a directory, a file, or a variable in that file, 
> >>> or a member of an object in that file, etc.. This is not possible on 
> >>> client side, I'd have to write my own importer class in C for this, 
> >>> more or less duplicating everything from seed-importer.c...
> >>>
> >>> But I'd really prefer to just use the existing system that's already 
> >>> there and does it the right way: then I could just have a single 
> >>> handler function, something like this:
> >>>
> >>> imports.__notFoundHandler__ = function(name,dir) {
> >>>      var dirs = [dir];
> >>>      var ns;
> >>>      if(dir!=imports.searchPath[0])
> >>>          dirs = dirs.concat(imports.searchPath);
> >>>      dirs.forEach(function(d) {
> >>>          if (d == '.' && __script_path__)
> >>>              d = __script_path__;
> >>>          var f = d+'/'+name+'.as';
> >>>          if (file_exist(f)) {
> >>>              var ctx = new algoscript.Context;
> >>>              ctx.eval_file(f);
> >>>              ns =;
> >>>              ctx.destroy();
> >>>          }
> >>>      });
> >>>      return ns;
> >>> }
> >>>
> >>>
> >>>> For the toString stuff, I guess that's needed only for this patch.
> >>>>
> >>>>
> >>>> BTW i'll be offline tommorow till next week, unless I can get net 
> >>>> access...
> >>> offline, that sounds scary... ;)
> >>>
> >>> see you later, thanks for the feedback!
> >>>
> >>> /Jonatan
> >>>
> >>>> Regards
> >>>> Alan
> >>>>
> >>>>
> >>>>  --- On 30/Jun/2010, Jonatan Liljedahl wrote:
> >>>>> Here is a small patch that adds a feature that I'd be very happy to 
> >>>>> see.
> >>>>> It allows one to hook into the imports system by defining a handler 
> >>>>> for
> >>>>> when a module was not found. Example:
> >>>>>
> >>>>>    imports.__notFoundHandler__ = function(name, dir) {
> >>>>>      print("making "+name);
> >>>>>      return {foo:123}
> >>>>>    }
> >>>>>    f = imports.foobar;
> >>>>>    print(;
> >>>>>
> >>>>> running above file prints:
> >>>>>
> >>>>>    making foobar
> >>>>>    123
> >>>>>
> >>>>> This can be used to integrate all sorts of cool stuff with the imports
> >>>>> object. For example, the handler can iterate over 
> >>>>> imports.searchPath to
> >>>>> find n+".html" and return an object representation of the DOM tree, or
> >>>>> parsing a custom language (hmmmm ;)), or perhaps even connect to an
> >>>>> online database of modules.. x =; -> updates foo
> >>>>> from an online repository, etc...
> >>>>>
> >>>>> Currently it only passes the first path from 
> >>>>> seed_importer_search_dirs() as the second arg, at least this works 
> >>>>> for the case when the search is done inside a single directory, but 
> >>>>> I guess it would be better to just send the whole path GSList by 
> >>>>> converting it to a JS array. One could still work around it on the 
> >>>>> script side by merging the dir arg with imports.searchPath if dir 
> >>>>> != searchPath[0].
> >>>>>
> >>>>> BTW, this patch also adds the toString and toValue hack to 
> >>>>> seed_importer_dir_get_property() so it doesn't call the handler 
> >>>>> saying that "toString" module wasn't found, etc..
> >>>>>
> >>>>> /Jonatan
> >>>> _______________________________________________
> >>>> libseed-list mailing list
> >>>> libseed-list gnome org
> >>>>
> >>
> >

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