Re: [libcroco-list] Libcroco problems

Hi Rob,

> I have been experimenting with the libcroco library (0.4) for the last few days, being
> especially interested in the selection engine. I must say it works nicely most of the time,
> great work :)

Thank you ;)

> I sometimes run into a few problems, such as this one :
> Trying to parse 
> * 
> {fill:black;stroke:none;font-family:04b_08;font-style:normal;font-weight:normal;font-size:14;text-anchor:start;writing-mode:lr;fill-opacity:1;stroke-opacity:1;stroke-width:1pt;stroke-linejoin:miter;stroke-linecap:butt; 
> }
> into a CRStatement, I get this message :
> ** (process:29018): CRITICAL **: file cr-statement.c: line 2306 (cr_statement_dump): assertion `a_this' failed
> ** (process:29018): CRITICAL **: file cr-statement.c: line 1914 (cr_statement_ruleset_get_declarations): assertion 
> `a_this && a_this->type == RULESET_STMT && a_this->kind.ruleset && a_decl_list' failed
> and a segfault later on.

Sorry but, which api/program do you use ?

For this particular case, font-family:04b_08 is not a proper CSS2
declaration because:
the right part of the declaration (at the right of the ':') should be
a term or an expression. In your case, 04b_08 is neither a well formed
term nor a valid expression. Maybe you should try "04b_08" (a string)
that would make it be a valid term.

I agree croco should not crash on this. So I have just commited
a path in the CVS that make it continue the processing trying to conform
to the CSS2 spec.

Feel free to grab the sources from the CVS and use it to see if the
new behaviour suits you more. If it does, do not hesitate to poke the
list one more ;) We will see how we can solve your problem.

For your information, the ChangeLog version I have just commited is
1.73 . The anoncvs server lags a bit so you may wait for one or two
hours (maybe more) before seeing the changes I have done.

Thank you very much for reporting this.



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