Re: 'notify' signal handler

On Sun, Nov 28, 2010 at 5:25 AM, Quikee <quikee gmail com> wrote:
> I have fixed this in branch located at: (1) and have requested a
> merge. It now remembers when the last update occurred and fires a
> signal only if the difference between last change and current is
> greater than 0.001. This means that now the max error in the fired
> coordinate and the real one less than 0.001. If this is not enough
> could change this to 0.0005 or even make it zoom dependent.

I'm not sure I follow you entirely. Isn't the entire problem that it
only updates after a certain threshold already? Did you just make the
threshold smaller then?

Ultimately, if it's possible, I'd prefer the signal to be fired based
on how long ago it was last fired, instead of passing some minimum
threshold. Like, instead of saying "only fire the signal if the new
location is further than 0.001 degrees away", say "only fire the
signal if it was last fired more than 1/10 of a second ago." That way
you won't run into performance issues with the signal being fired too
often, but you don't have a silly threshhold that prevents small,
precise movements.


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