Re: Feature request: ChamplainView property 'show-coords'

On Tue, Nov 23, 2010 at 2:16 AM, Jiří Techet <techet gmail com> wrote:
> this is the kind of thing I would like to address in 0.10, but in a
> slightly different way. The problem with adding new methods into
> ChamplainView is that this solution is not very flexible. If you
> consider the scale, one would have to add functions for changing its
> position, size, vertical or horizontal orientation and so on. And
> similar set of functions would have to be added for all other elements
> users want to see on top of their map (like your coordinates).

Right. I think I read a message from you in the archives where you
detailed this goal. And certainly my intention is not to sully
ChamplainView with lots more junk.

> Instead I would like to move the scale outside the ChamplainView code
> and make it an independent actor that can be added to ChamplainView
> and connected to the signals it is interested in. So the code would
> look something like
> champlain_scale = ChamplainScale()
> champlain_view.add(champlain_scale)

So far I'm in agreement with this.

> champlain_scale.set_position(x, y)
> # + possibly scale, rotate and so on (since ChamplainScale would
> inherit from ClutterActor, we'd have all the ClutterActor
> functionality)

I do like the idea of having full ClutterActor flexibility (github
knows I've been having lots of fun playing with
ChamplainMarker.set_scale()), one thing that is important to me is
that I be able to specify 'this actor should be aligned to the center
of the ChamplainView', and have it stick there (even if the view is
resized) without having to connect a signal handler to 'notify::width'
and reposition the Actor myself. I just want some part of the
libchamplain code to handle the positioning so I don't have to think
about it.

Thanks Jiří.


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