API Changes and API Freeze until Monday


So, hum a big night of changes before the API freeze on Friday.  Some of
the changes have warnings when you use the old API, some (and I'll be
hated for that) are plain renaming.  Here is the list of files that

 b/.gitignore                                              |    6 
 b/bindings/perl/Champlain/t/ChamplainMapSourceDesc.t      |    2 
 b/bindings/perl/Champlain/t/ChamplainMapSourceFactory.t   |   57 +
 b/bindings/perl/Champlain/xs/ChamplainMapSourceFactory.xs |   45 -
 b/champlain-gtk/Makefile.am                               |   10 
 b/champlain-gtk/champlain-gtk.h                           |    2 
 b/champlain-gtk/gtk-champlain-embed.c                     |  284 ++++++
 b/champlain-gtk/gtk-champlain-embed.h                     |   65 +
 b/champlain/Makefile.am                                   |   17 
 b/champlain/champlain-cache.c                             |    6 
 b/champlain/champlain-cache.h                             |    1 
 b/champlain/champlain-map-source-desc.c                   |   99 ++
 b/champlain/champlain-map-source-desc.h                   |   23 
 b/champlain/champlain-map-source-factory.c                |  151 +--
 b/champlain/champlain-map-source-factory.h                |   18 
 b/champlain/champlain-marker.c                            |   11 
 b/champlain/champlain-network-map-source.c                |   20 
 b/champlain/champlain-network-map-source.h                |    3 
 b/champlain/champlain-point.c                             |  100 ++
 b/champlain/champlain-point.h                             |   46 +
 b/champlain/champlain-polygon.c                           |  620 ++++++++++++++
 b/champlain/champlain-polygon.h                           |   97 ++
 b/champlain/champlain-private.h                           |   16 
 b/champlain/champlain-view.c                              |  225 ++++-
 b/champlain/champlain-view.h                              |    9 
 b/champlain/champlain.h                                   |    1 
 b/configure.ac                                            |    5 
 b/demos/Makefile.am                                       |    5 
 b/demos/launcher-gtk.c                                    |   42 
 b/demos/polygons.c                                        |  145 +++
 b/docs/reference-gtk/libchamplain-gtk-docs.sgml           |    2 
 b/docs/reference-gtk/libchamplain-gtk-sections.txt        |   28 
 b/docs/reference-gtk/libchamplain-gtk.types               |    1 
 b/docs/reference/libchamplain-docs.sgml                   |    2 
 b/docs/reference/libchamplain-sections.txt                |   51 +
 b/docs/reference/libchamplain.types                       |    2 
 champlain-gtk/champlain-view-embed.c                      |  254 -----
 champlain-gtk/champlain-view-embed.h                      |   62 -
 38 files changed, 2053 insertions(+), 480 deletions(-)

You read correctly, ChamplainViewEmbed is gone.  It is now named
GtkChamplainEmbed.  This makes it much more cleaner and less repetitive.
Its API also changed a bit since I discovered that the old API was
forcing the View to load images into OpenGL before the stage was ready.
Anyway, its use requires less functions calls.

Other changes include 
      * the addition of the line and polygon drawing API;
      * the definition as boxed types of ChamplainMapSourceDesc and
      * The ChamplainMapSourceFactory has been slightly changed to have
        a user_data parameter in the map source constructors
      * The unique map source ids have changed (you will want to rm -r
        ~/.cache/champlain ) and are used as directory name in the cache
      * libchamplain announces itselfs as libchamplain in HTTP requests
        (user agent)

We are now entered 4 days of API freeze where no API changes (unless
proven necessary for bindings) will be merged until the release on
Monday night.  Please take the next days to submit your bindings change

That's it!

I hope you like the new stuff :)


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