Re: Confirmation of the details of our phone call


Here is the final version of the trademark contract from our point of
view - all that remains is for you to include in Appendix B a
description of the products you intend to make (drawings, for example,
and a description of the item, plus a photo of items of similar quality
which you have made in the past would be ideal), and we can print it out
and sign it.


Dave Neary wrote:
> Hi Theodore,
> It was really great to speak to you and iron out the remaining issues so
> that we can finally let you loose to design great GNOME jewellery.
> To confirm the details of our phone conversation earlier, the GNOME
> Foundation board is very happy to work with you, and give you a licence
> to produce jewellery using our trademarks.
> As agreed, we will not be awarding any other trademark usage licences to
> competitors creating jewellery from precious metals and jewels for the
> duration of our partnership.
> I understand your concern about wishing to avoid cheap copies of your
> work, and I assure you that the GNOME Foundation takes the defense of
> its marks very seriously, and would certainly act to prevent any
> unauthorised use of our marks.
> Please find attached the agreement which I believe we can consider
> final, once I have inserted the contact details for the GNOME
> Foundation. Perhaps you can provide some photos and descriptions of
> items of similar quality to those you plan to produce for Appendix B? I
> have included the relevant GNOME marks in Exhibit A, and have attached
> vector versions of the same.
> Regards,
> Dave.

Dave Neary
GNOME Foundation member
bolsh gnome org

Attachment: gnome-trademark-agreement_jan_08.odt
Description: application/vnd.oasis.opendocument.text

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