Hi Theodore, It was really great to speak to you and iron out the remaining issues so that we can finally let you loose to design great GNOME jewellery. To confirm the details of our phone conversation earlier, the GNOME Foundation board is very happy to work with you, and give you a licence to produce jewellery using our trademarks. As agreed, we will not be awarding any other trademark usage licences to competitors creating jewellery from precious metals and jewels for the duration of our partnership. I understand your concern about wishing to avoid cheap copies of your work, and I assure you that the GNOME Foundation takes the defense of its marks very seriously, and would certainly act to prevent any unauthorised use of our marks. Please find attached the agreement which I believe we can consider final, once I have inserted the contact details for the GNOME Foundation. Perhaps you can provide some photos and descriptions of items of similar quality to those you plan to produce for Appendix B? I have included the relevant GNOME marks in Exhibit A, and have attached vector versions of the same. Regards, Dave. -- Dave Neary GNOME Foundation member bolsh gnome org
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