las-gnome Fwd: Follow up from last week :)

Hey folks, I thought I would see if we can come up with a good response in regards to getting sponsorship dollars from Capital One.

What she is referring to in regards to the 100 developers is, given our conference is a working conference, how do pick out attendees that are the most useful.  My response is this:

Our best case is a 160 people, and worst case is 50 paid registrations.  Since registrations are open, we generally reach out personally to people who we feel will provide the kind of feedback and work that will make the conference productive.  After we get the critical people we want, the conference is open to those who are interested in participating.

We want it open because part of what we want to do is attract people new to the Linux world, people who are entrepreneurs who want to build a business case on top of our desktop technologies.  So the complete package would be something along the lines of people within the eco-system, linux kernel developers, tool kit developers, licensing/legal experts, tool creator, and couple them with folks that are interested in creating applications providing room to collaborate together.

--- end response --

Let me know what people think, I would like to send a response asap.  I wanted to share this as a way to get other people exposed to this.


---------- Forwarded message ---------
From: Jacqueline Kazil <jackiekazil gmail com>
Date: Mon, Jun 27, 2016 at 3:05 PM
Subject: Re: Follow up from last week :)
To: Sriram Ramkrishna <sri ramkrishna me>

Ty for the email! It was great to meet you as well! 
Before making a case for supporting something, I like to have a complete picture. 

How are the 100 developers selected? 

On Mon, Jun 27, 2016 at 3:30 PM, Sriram Ramkrishna <sri ramkrishna me> wrote:
Hi Jackie!

So nice to meet with you on Thursday!  I really appreciate your patience in hearing me talk about GNOME and LAS GNOME conference.  It is a huge passion for me and I love GNOME, and the body of work they produce.

I'm hoping that we might be able to explore any opportunity for Capital One to invest in our conference.  I have attached our prospectus.

Hope Washington DC is treating you well on your return!

Best wishes,

Jacqueline Kazil | @jackiekazil 

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