Re: las-gnome LAS GNOME update


On Fri, Aug 19, 2016 at 4:40 AM, Adelia Rahim <adeliarahim gmail com> wrote:

> On Aug 19, 2016, at 10:56 AM, Alexandre Franke <afranke gnome org> wrote:
>> On Mon, Aug 15, 2016 at 8:35 PM, Adelia Rahim <adeliarahim gmail com> wrote:
>> Hi,
> Hi,
>> Latest update for the core days schedule as follows to be updated on the
>> website:
> I have made a first pass with the complete schedule. I'll keep
> improving things but the schedule is up to date now.
>> - Sri did you get to asking Jussi for a better photo? Let me know if you
>> haven't and I'll do it.
> Sri, we really need this.

I asked him and he gave me a photo that is definitely better in quality i.e size but he cropped off half of his face -_-

I told him we can't use that and asked for another one and he said he is "currently unwell and unphotogenic". I think we're stuck with the current one.

Sometimes conferences use an icon if the speaker doesn't have a photo. Either a generic person icon or a GNOME foot might work if there's one available.

>> - ps: that was my bad, i did a poor job on the speaker photos uploads to the
>> page the first time.
> Just to make it more clear, I was not trying to point a finger at
> someone. My point was that we need to be careful when we push
> something to a public facing website, because we want to look
> professional to the outside world.
> --
> Alexandre Franke
> GNOME Hacker & Foundation Director

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