Re: New Bindings modules (was Re: GNOME 2.7/2.8 Proposed Schedule)

On Tue, 2004-05-04 at 17:42, Andrew Sobala wrote:
> Woo!
> Of course, following the GNOME schedule means that maybe, in a blue-sky
> future, one day, Desktop modules will be able to rely on the Bindings
> and the Platform instead of just the Platform.

there seems to be talk of that happening from the top minds, though it's
very early on. i wouldn't consider it all that blue sky. it will
eventually happen. while it makes sense (if not almost being a
requirement, not a hard one) that glib/gtk+ (and other widget toolkits)
be written in C it makes very little sense for standard desktop apps and
such to be. basically apps don't need to be bound and therefore can be
written in anything. because of that's it probably going to be better to
use a high level language that gets rid of a lot of the problems
inherent in C.


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