Re: some plugins and questions

On 01/09/2013 09:22 PM, Karol Będkowski wrote:
> Hello,
> 2013-01-05 17:58:50 Jeroen Budts <jeroen lightyear be>:
>> I'm also wondering what is the best way to propose patches (for 
>> new plugins and fixes to existing plugins)? Make a patch file
>> and attach them to a launchpad-issue? Fork the repo on github
>> and send a pull request?
> For known bugs IMO best option is attach patch in launchpad. If you
> find new bug - please send information to us.
Ok, I'll give it a shot to implement some changes and create patches for
Some issues i'd like to (try to) fix:
- filezilla doesn't parse sites in folders (in sitemanager.xml)
- sendkeys: should check that xte is installed. When I first enabled the
  plugin it seemed to do nothing at all, until I saw in the debug output
  that it could not find the `xte` command.
- Extend the XFCE plugin to also support suspend, reboot etc (there is
  already a bug for that in Launchpad). Maybe also try to merge the
  Gnome and XFCE session plugins

> Currently Kupfer is rather in maintenance/bugfix stage, so in this 
> time best option for new plugins is keeping them separately, in 
> repository like yours.
Ok. But this makes it more difficult for other users to find useful
plugins, if they have to search all over the internet.
I guess the current maintenance/bugfix stage is caused by a lack of
time, or is the interest in the project lost?
>> And a last question: What is the best way to start kupfer from 
>> the git repository? Just running `./kupfer-run --debug`? And is 
>> it possible to easily use different settings during development?
> python --debug works for me.
ow, that was just too easy :)

Thanks for your answers!

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