Re: some plugins and questions


2013-01-05 17:58:50 Jeroen Budts <jeroen lightyear be>:
>I'm also wondering what is the best way to propose patches (for new
>plugins and fixes to existing plugins)? Make a patch file and attach
>them to a launchpad-issue? Fork the repo on github and send a pull

For known bugs IMO best option is attach patch in launchpad. If you
find new bug - please send information to us.

Currently Kupfer is rather in maintenance/bugfix stage, so in this time
best option for new plugins is keeping them separately, in repository
like yours.

>And a last question: What is the best way to start kupfer from the git
>repository? Just running `./kupfer-run --debug`? And is it possible to
>easily use different settings during development?

python --debug works for me.


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