Re: browsing the file hierarchy

That's due to Kupfer treating directories as any other objects, and any other
semantics would have to be special-cased for directory objects.
Alternatively, there could be a "parent directory" action for directories,
which would select the parent directory in Kupfer.  Not ideal, but it has its
uses and would fit within the current object paradigm.


---------- Mon, 31 Oct 2011 23:48:17 -0400 ----------
Kasi <popsch gmx net> wrote:

> Hi,
>   A minor nuisance in kupfer is that I cannot browse files upward in
> the hierarchy right from an catalog entry. To explain what I mean
> consider this example:
> The catalog contains /a/b/c
> The directory /a/b/c/d exists.
> * kupfer => c gives /a/b/c in the source
> * Pressing  'd + <right arrow>' goes into directory a/b/c/d
> * Pressing '<left arrow>' goes back into /a/b/c
> * Pressing '<left arrow>' again goes to the catalog instead showing
> directory /a/b
> This would speed up browsing when you know a catalog entry near the
> location to which you want to get to.
> Is this somehow achievable with kupfer right now?
> Thanks.
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