Openbox Session Management plugin

I've written a plugin, based on the GNOME session management plugin,
which implements basic session management commands for Openbox.  You
can find it here:

It implements:
 * Reconfigure
 * Lock
 * Logout
 * Reboot
 * Shutdown

The Lock code was just left as-is from the gnome plugin; but, I don't
use this so I don't know if it works.  Reconfigure and Logout just
call --reconfigure and --exit, respectively, on openbox.  Exit works
for me; I'm using ~/.xinitrc via slim to start my openbox session.
Reboot and Shutdown just call gksudo reboot and halt, respectively.

I'd love some feedback on how I implemented reboot and shutdown...
should I be using /sbin/shutdown instead of halt and reboot for better
compatibility across linux distros?  Also, what's a good icon to use
for reconfigure (I'm currently just using the system-reboot icon).

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