Graphic glitches in the dropdown menu

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From: Vladislav Gluschuk <vgluschuk gmail com>
Date: Fri, May 6, 2011 at 7:19 AM
Subject: Re: Graphic glitches in the dropdown menu
To: SanskritFritz <sanskritfritz gmail com>

I had the same problem.
In my copy of Kupfer I fixed the height of the dropdown list window mainly to get rid of this issue.

You may try my patch proposal at 
It contains some other minor appearance tweaks like auto adjusting width of the dropdown list middle column.

I hope it will work for you.

2011/5/6 SanskritFritz <sanskritfritz gmail com>
This has been for a while, now I gathered some screenshots for a report. I'm not sure Kupfer is to blame, but this doesnt happen with any other program I use. I'm using Compiz standalone. See the pictures at this link:

The first pic is ok, this is how kupfer looks. After displaying a submenu with only one element and pressing left to return to the previous menu, the dropdown list starts to tear, as you see on the screenshots. After a few ups and downs it normalizes again. Kupfer is fully functional at all stages.

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