Re: Kupfer logo

I like the icon, I'll install it locally and try it out, I guess everyone
can do the same, until we decide..

Attached is one patch to configure Kupfer to use nasser's icon, so it
can be tried.

Attachment number two is kupfer.svg -- I have changed this file to be
on a square canvas, and I saved it as "clean" SVG from inkscape. The
file is now smaller and without some embedded font stuff that
apparently wasn't really used. Put this file at ./auxdata/kupfer.svg
in the source directory to use with the attached patch.

Nasser: What license do you want to use for the icon. Kupfer is
GPLv3+, and I guess that license is usable for an SVG as well, but I
guess you can pick any other free license if you know more about this.
Also, I'll ask you how you want your name spelled in the credits.

Kupfer's workspace page about icons is here:   this page is a
bit old, but in principle it still stands.. everyone is free to
propose special kupfer actions or objects that need specific icons.

More on the topic of icon themes:
Has anyone else tried Gnome's Icon theme version 2.30?  This theme
looks like it is going to be very bad for kupfer in it's current
distribution: In the old version, all icons were installed in SVG and
we could use them in 96x96 px resolution just fine. Now, some of the
icons are only installed in 48x48 px, without SVG. Most notably the
gearwheel icon, 'gtk-execute'/'system-run'. If the distribution of
gnome-icon-theme doesn't change, we'll have to distribute many SVGs
with kupfer itself.

From 784f0e13d5f6d714211710c70fe3665423e31567 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Ulrik Sverdrup <ulrik sverdrup gmail com>
Date: Fri, 7 May 2010 00:26:22 +0200
Subject: [PATCH] WIP: New icon by nasser

 auxdata/ |    2 +-
 auxdata/wscript           |   14 ++++++++++++++
 kupfer/        |    2 ++
 kupfer/         |    7 +++++--
 4 files changed, 22 insertions(+), 3 deletions(-)

diff --git a/auxdata/ b/auxdata/
index a2e1abd..f382fa5 100644
--- a/auxdata/
+++ b/auxdata/
@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ Version=1.0
 _GenericName=Application Launcher
 _Comment=Convenient command and access tool for applications and documents
 Exec=kupfer %F
diff --git a/auxdata/wscript b/auxdata/wscript
index 916b0d1..0824a5f 100644
--- a/auxdata/wscript
+++ b/auxdata/wscript
@@ -48,3 +48,17 @@ def build(bld):
 				Utils.subst_vars("${DATADIR}/mime", bld.env)])
 				Utils.subst_vars("${DATADIR}/applications", bld.env)])
+	icons_inst = bld.install_files("${DATADIR}/icons/hicolor/scalable/apps",
+	                               "kupfer.svg")
+	# Waf's "gnome" tool  -- def postinstall_icons():
+	if icons_inst and bld.is_install:
+		icon_dir = bld.get_install_path('${DATADIR}/icons/hicolor')
+		if not Options.options.destdir:
+			Utils.pprint('YELLOW',"Updating Gtk icon cache.")
+			command='gtk-update-icon-cache -q -f -t %s' % icon_dir
+			ret=Utils.exec_command(command)
+		else:
+			Utils.pprint('YELLOW','Icon cache not updated. After install, run this:')
+			Utils.pprint('YELLOW','gtk-update-icon-cache -q -f -t %s'%icon_dir)
diff --git a/kupfer/ b/kupfer/
index bfa30a5..9755af0 100644
--- a/kupfer/
+++ b/kupfer/
@@ -36,6 +36,8 @@ def show_about_dialog(*ignored, **kwds):
+		if version.ARTISTS:
+			ab.set_artists(version.ARTISTS)
 		ab.connect("response", _response_callback)
 		# do not delete window on close
diff --git a/kupfer/ b/kupfer/
index fd1b8c2..ee5fff0 100644
--- a/kupfer/
+++ b/kupfer/
@@ -11,7 +11,7 @@ else:
 	VERSION = version_subst.VERSION
-ICON_NAME = "system-search"
+ICON_NAME = "kupfer"
 PROGRAM_NAME = _("Kupfer")
 AUTHORS = u"""Ulrik Sverdrup <ulrik sverdrup gmail com>
@@ -42,7 +42,10 @@ Andrej Žnidaršič (sl)
 lh (zh_CN)
+ARTISTS=u"""Nasser <designernasser gmail com>

Attachment: kupfer.svg
Description: image/svg

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