Re: python-keyring

Il giorno gio, 25/03/2010 alle 11.51 +0100, Ulrik Sverdrup ha scritto:
> 2010/3/25 Francesco Marella <francesco marella gmail com>:
> > Il giorno mer, 24/03/2010 alle 19.46 +0200, Reinis Zumbergs ha scritto:
> >> Hello!
> >> The new kupfer for karmic from PPA depends on python-keyring - package
> >> that I only managed to find for lucid.
> >>
> >> Reinis
> >
> > Hi Reinis,
> > thank you for reporting this bug.
> > Looks like the package that provide the keyring module is named
> > "python-gnomekeyring" and the module itself is named "gnomekeyring".
> > I'll upload a new working package soon, sorry for the inconvenience.
> >
> > cheers,
> > Francesco
> Hi,
> It's my error that I forgot to mention the added dependency on
> python-keyring in the News file, sorry about that.
> gnomekeyring is probably not the same module, probably not compatible
> with keyring. keyring is a convenience module for using either its
> fallback file storage, or gnome keyring or kwallet (or something
> else).
oh you're right, they are not the same module.

> If anyone has problems that are gnome keyring-specific, I sugest
> uninstalling gnomekeyring if you can (leaving python-keyring) and it
> will use a simple file to store passwords (should be
> ~/.config/kupfer/keyring.cfg )
> ulrik

I've fixed this by porting the python-keyring package to Karmic. Tested
in a virtual machine.

-- Francesco

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