[jokosher-devel] 1.0 Release cycle starting

I have branched out 0.9 so that it can sit there doing nothing while we hack on trunk. I don't expect any more changes to 0.9 and it will release as soon as Gnonlin does.

I'm gonna propose that we wait until after we get the packaging sorted out for 0.9 before we start planning the big 1.0. After we get the debs on the website and give ourselves a pat on the back, we can all gather in #jokosher to vote for which features will make it in to the next version. Once we know when the release date will be we'll set a date for the meeting, which will probably be on a sunday.

In the meantime, trunk is totally unfrozen and I already have a small queue of patches from Carl and John K that need committing. I hope everyone else has lots of patches on the way, and more importantly that hackers and non-hackers alike are preparing their ideas to be voted on.

The point of voting is to allocate the limited time of the core devs to make your idea a reality during the next release cycle. So put your ideas on the wiki now:

If you don't have access to the wiki, just send your ideas to the mailing list and someone will put them up. Also if you see something in the bug tracker that should have top priority, put it on the ideas page. I know at least for me good ideas get lost in the bug tracker quite easily.


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