[jokosher-devel] [PATCH] Fixed: Ticket #169 (No way to delete projects from welcome dialog) [second try]

Hello all,

Second try on this thing

Removal is now done by right-clicking the project in the welcome screen. 
Hopefully I should be able to reuse some of the code for a 'clear list' option from
the recent projects menu.

Any comments on anything remotely related to the patch are still very welcome.


PS: To the administrator: I accidentally posted the same message from my other e-mail address. Delete it please.
Index: Jokosher/Jokosher.glade
--- Jokosher/Jokosher.glade	(revision 847)
+++ Jokosher/Jokosher.glade	(working copy)
@@ -2520,6 +2520,7 @@
 		      <property name="fixed_height_mode">False</property>
 		      <property name="hover_selection">False</property>
 		      <property name="hover_expand">False</property>
+		      <signal name="button_press_event" handler="on_recentprojectslist_button_press_event" last_modification_time="Tue, 24 Oct 2006 20:00:30 GMT"/>
@@ -4306,4 +4307,28 @@
+<widget class="GtkMenu" id="RecentListMenu">
+  <child>
+    <widget class="GtkImageMenuItem" id="removefromrecent">
+      <property name="visible">True</property>
+      <property name="label" translatable="yes">Remove from list</property>
+      <property name="use_underline">True</property>
+      <signal name="activate" handler="on_removefromrecent_activate" last_modification_time="Tue, 24 Oct 2006 20:01:30 GMT"/>
+      <child internal-child="image">
+	<widget class="GtkImage" id="image173">
+	  <property name="visible">True</property>
+	  <property name="stock">gtk-delete</property>
+	  <property name="icon_size">1</property>
+	  <property name="xalign">0.5</property>
+	  <property name="yalign">0.5</property>
+	  <property name="xpad">0</property>
+	  <property name="ypad">0</property>
+	</widget>
+      </child>
+    </widget>
+  </child>
Index: Jokosher/WelcomeDialog.py
--- Jokosher/WelcomeDialog.py	(revision 847)
+++ Jokosher/WelcomeDialog.py	(working copy)
@@ -35,6 +35,7 @@
 			"on_openrecentprojectbutton_clicked" : self.OnOpenRecentProjectButton,
 			"on_quit_clicked" : self.OnQuit,
 			"on_startupcb_toggled" : self.OnStartupToggled,
+			"on_recentprojectslist_button_press_event": self.OnRecentProjectListButtonPress,
@@ -44,6 +45,11 @@
 		self.tree = self.res.get_widget("recentprojectslist")
+                # get the right-click menu for the recent projects list
+                self.menu = gtk.glade.XML(Globals.GLADE_PATH,"RecentListMenu")
+		self.recentlistmenu = self.menu.get_widget("RecentListMenu")
+		self.menu.signal_autoconnect({"on_removefromrecent_activate": self.OnRemoveFromRecent})
 		self.headerimage = self.res.get_widget("headerimage")
 		self.headerimage.set_from_file(os.path.join(Globals.IMAGE_PATH, "welcomeheader.png"))
@@ -120,6 +126,7 @@
 	def PopulateRecentProjects(self):
 		'''Populate the Recent Projects menu with items from global settings'''		
+                self.model.clear()
 		for path, name in self.mainwindow.recentprojectitems:	
 			self.model.append([gtk.STOCK_NEW, name, path])
@@ -150,7 +157,28 @@
+	def OnRecentProjectListButtonPress(self, treeview, event):
+                if event.button == 3: #If the click is a right-click
+                        x = int(event.x)
+                        y = int(event.y)
+                        time = event.time
+                        pthinfo = treeview.get_path_at_pos(x, y)
+                        if pthinfo is not None:
+                               path, col, cellx, celly = pthinfo
+                               treeview.grab_focus()
+                               treeview.set_cursor(path, col, 0)
+                               self.recentlistmenu.popup(None, None, None, event.button, time)
+	#_____________________________________________________________________
+	def OnRemoveFromRecent(self, widget):
+		"""Remove the selected recent project from the list of recent projects."""
+		item = self.model[self.tree.get_cursor()[0]]
+		self.mainwindow.RemoveRecentProject(item[2], item[1])
+		self.PopulateRecentProjects()
+				#_____________________________________________________________________
 	def OnStartupToggled(self, widget):
 		"""When the startup toggle box is toggled, this method is run to update
 		the setting in Globals."""
Index: Jokosher/JokosherApp.py
--- Jokosher/JokosherApp.py	(revision 847)
+++ Jokosher/JokosherApp.py	(working copy)
@@ -693,6 +693,17 @@
+	def RemoveRecentProject(self, path, name):
+		for item in self.recentprojectitems:
+			if path == item[0]:
+				self.recentprojectitems.remove(item)
+				break
+		self.SaveRecentProjects()
+		self.PopulateRecentProjects()
+	#_____________________________________________________________________
 	def PopulateRecentProjects(self):
 		'''Populate the Recent Projects menu with items from self.recentprojectitems'''

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