Re: [jokosher-devel] Managing extensions

On Mon, Oct 02, 2006 at 04:41:00PM -0400, Laszlo Pandy wrote:

> One other thing to think about is: where should extensions keep their 
> own config files? If we put them all in ~/.jokosher/extensions/ we will 
> probably run into name conflicts. This makes having separate dirs even 
> more appealing.

I think that having each extension in its own directory is cleaner. Maybe we
can have the startup() function always in a .py file with the same name as
the directory so we don't have to hunt for it. How about adding a
GetShortDescription() function to get a one-line description to display in
the ManageExtensions window.

> Right now on startup jokosher checks if the folders extensions, presets, 
> instruments, etc. exist in ~/.jokosher/. If they don't exist they are 
> created. If no extension dir exists, we can just copy the one from 
> /usr/lib/jokosher/extensions/ complete with the default extensions 
> inside. This allows the user to control what extensions are running, and 
> uninstalling one of the default extensions does not remove it for 
> everyone else on the system.

This is fine for a first time install but what about after an upgrade.
Package managers don't touch the home directories so jokosher needs some way
of knowing it's been upgraded since you last ran, otherwise you won't pick
up any upgraded extensions. (maybe add lastversionnumber to ~/.jokosher/config
and check on startup. You only ever need to write it when it changes.)

John Green

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