Re: [jokosher-devel] The road to 1.0

On 11/20/06, Laszlo Pandy <laszlok2 gmail com> wrote:
Okay there was talk of calling it 0.9 instead and having 1.0 come out
after we get feedback from feisty beta users. Is this still the deal or
do we want full 1.0 no bugs release in time for the feisty freeze?

This is precisely the sort of thing that I was expecting that we'd
talk about on Sunday :) Basically, I'm imagining Sunday to be a thing
where everyone turns up with a big laundry list of stuff that they
think should be done and then we whittle it down to (a) all the things
that we can do (b) that will fit into the release timetable (c) and we
have enough people for, and then file a bug for each of them. Then we
hack until all the bugs are gone, and then we're done and have a nap.


x^n + y^n = z^n where n > 2: no solutions
I have a wonderful proof of this but I can't write it now because my
train is coming.
           -- Graffito on New York subway

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