Re: Push or simulate a Alt+Tab event to keyboard

Il giorno mar, 03/03/2020 alle 12.06 +0100, Felipe Borges ha scritto:
Instead of emulating the key-press events, you could attempt to call
the switcher directly.

Check how GNOME Shell constructs the AppSwitcherPopup and use it
directly in your extension.

That seems to be instantiated in Main.wm._startSwitcher.

Thanks Felipe for reply, but I'm not a programmer.

I have take a "Hello Word" example extension and I try to understand how to modify it, but it's difficulty for me

I shall be glade If you can explain me in detail how to I can do this job

Let me know, if you can.

Many thanks

Dario Lesca
(inviato dal mio Linux Fedora 31 Workstation)

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