Re: Display TLS certificate in the GUI

On Fri, Jun 24, 2016 at 8:06 AM Jay Strict <jay strict posteo de> wrote:
Hello list,

in a Gnome Shell extension I want to connect with libsoup to a https://
URI which has a self-signed certificate.
My intention is to let the extension display the certificate to the user
and let the user decide whether to trust the certificate.

However, the line
let cert = msg.tls_certificate.certificate;
ist not exectuted. It prints an error message:

(gnome-shell:543): Gjs-WARNING **: JS ERROR: Error: Unable to introspect
element-type of container in GValue

Can someone help me understand this error message?

Unfortunately, it means that you can't use that property in GJS. The documentation for that property from the C API [1] says it is of type GByteArray*, and the GJS source code seems to suggest that such values are explicitly not yet supported in GJS [2].
Has someone a suggestion for a better solution?

If you just wanted the data you could use the 'certificate-pem' property [3]. As the documentation states, "This property and the “certificate” property represent the same data, just in different forms."

However, it seems like you can't construct a Gcr.Certificate object from the PEM-encoded data. I don't have a good solution for this.


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