Re: GJS Status

On Wed, Dec 9, 2015 at 4:34 AM, Andrea Giammarchi <andrea giammarchi gmail com> wrote:
Current status:

After building via jhbuild 160 modules (using default configuration) I can report the following issues and yet the **inability** to build gjs-documentation
Modules that failed to build on ArchLinux:

  * colord (needed argyllcms)
  * nautilus (needed libselinux from AUR)
  * ibus-libpinyin
  * telepathy-mission-control
* zeitgeist (needed python2-rdflib and a /usr/local/bin switch to force using python2 via linked python)
I've successfully built every other package including gnome-shell

When I launch the make via jhbuild this is the result (identical since about ever in my experience, even without jhbuild)
jhbuild run make
mkdir -p html/GLib-2.0
yelp-build html -o html/GLib-2.0 static/GLib-2.0
touch html/GLib-2.0
mkdir -p html/Gio-2.0
yelp-build html -o html/Gio-2.0 static/Gio-2.0
touch html/Gio-2.0
mkdir -p html/GObject-2.0
yelp-build html -o html/GObject-2.0 static/GObject-2.0
touch html/GObject-2.0
make: *** No rule to make target 'generated/cairo-1.0', needed by 'html/cairo-1.0'. Stop.
If I remove cairo or anything else in there I have the same result.

I'm close to give up on this and erase the entire jhbuild "experience" from my computer :-(
I'm sorry that jhbuild gave you troubles. It's supposed to be seamless 
on most distros, and I know there are people who routinely build on 
In any case, what prefix did you use?
The Makefile in gjs-documentation by default uses /opt/gnome (which used to be the jhbuild default). If that's not the case, call make with prefix=...
As for the gir files, they are not included in the repos. They are 
built from the source code by extracting code comments and parsing the 
C headers. So jhbuild is a necessary step anyway to get the girs (which 
now you have in $(prefix)/share/gir-1.0/ )


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