I'd love to know more about Jasper St. Pierre idea. I'm playing with an experimental distro (on github, if interested I'll drop a link) based on ArchLinux that bootstraps into Weston on Wayland backend and GTK3 (GJS based) in 8 seconds, on a Raspberry PI, and it also launches node.js so the stack is 100% _javascript_ (who would have bet years ago?!)
As far as I have used _javascript_ (15+ years at this point) in both Web or Rhino/Nashorn/node/Server projects, methods and properties have always been camelCase.
I found it convenient to have it like it is now (I guess simpler to document and "Google | Â grep" with its PyGTK counterpart) but I'm used too much to camelCase and having a lightweight opt-in that does not compromise internals seemed like a good choice to me.
Would this procedure via Ruby you've mentioned make it possible to have all those files generated as well? Right now as soon as I make it stops after static folder is parsed with anything in the generated list.
About node.js
For me it wasn't a love or hate story on its API, it's rather the entry point to npm.
As example, now that I have a working `require` function instead of needing to re-polyfill again Promises for js24, I can simply do this:
const Promise = require('es6-promise').Promise;
new Promise(function (res, rej) {
 setTimeout(res, 500, 'it worked!');
For instance, my last push from yesterday introduced Readable and Writable streams so that I can now communicate asynchronously within separate channels via spawn and, let's say, sqlite3 (or module based on this such dblite in npm, which now works too)
let sqlite3 = require('child_process').spawn('sqlite3');
sqlite3.stdin.write('SELECT 123;\n');
sqlite3.stdout.on('data', (data) => {
Thanks to this simplified spawn, where I couldn't find documentation, I could workaround interacting directly with nodejs like I've done for the os module: https://github.com/WebReflection/jsgtk/blob/master/jsgtk/os.js (I had hard time finding out how to retrieve valid network interfaces and their info via GJS)
Not ideal, but it works. jsgtk is also far away from perfect or complete ... but it kinda works already.
I'm willing to help improving GJS documentation, Â least through my blog, but regarding `jsgtk` ... well, contributors are **more** than welcome so please have a look if you're interested and ping me whenever you want.
Best Regards