Re: GJS Status

On Mon, Dec 7, 2015 at 1:26 AM, Andrea Giammarchi <andrea giammarchi gmail com> wrote:
First of all, I'd like to say hello to everyone. I've been using GNOME on ArchLinux for more than a year now and I love pretty much everything about it. Recently I've found GJS project and I've started playing with it making it more "JSish" than "Pythonic" and implementing partially some node.js core API and functionalities such require, fs, path, os, with some synchronous and asynchhronous API too.

So far, so good ... however, there are 2 main questions I'd like to ask about GJS:

1. is this project still alive? It works like a charm but repositories look untouched for long time 2. is it posible to know how to generate the Giovanni's documentation? I've talked with him directly and apprently he's not working on that branch anymore but beside static assets that are present in such branch, all generated content fails to build (tried in ArchLinux, Ubuntu) and I've no idea what I should do in order to generate the documentation for Gtk-3.0 or Gdk and others that are not Gio, GObject, and GLib.

Sorry for not being really helpful to you.
In any case, once again, to generate the docs it should be enough to run make from that repo.

You must do from a jhbuild shell, after you jhbuild installed all the libraries for which you want the docs, as well as gobject-introspection and yelp-tools (a standard jhbuild run installs both, but it is quite slow)
For reference, see

Alternatively, you can install -devel packages for the libraries you care about (make sure they have the .gir files), as well as gobject-introspection-devel and yelp-tools (or Arch/Ubuntu's equivalent, not sure about the name), then run "make prefix=/usr"

Hope this will help you more,


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