Gtweet - A twitter library (Peer review proposal)


I have been working on this interesting thing from last September. Lot
of learning went and finally there is something I have that I like to
share with others.

Gtweet consist of two things, a twitter client library which provides
functions for twitter's v1.1 REST and STREAM APIs (not everything
covered). It uses following libraries,

1. libsoup - (for http requests/replies)
2. oauth - (for Oauth autherization and signing)
3. Glib/GObject/Gio/Gtk/Gdk - (base for everything)
4. libreadline - for commandline input

In short, this C library creates a GObject called GtweetObject which can
be used just like any other GObject. It also produces Gtweet-0.1.gir and
Gtweet-0.1.typelib for Introspection.

The second one is called tweetclientgtk.js which is a javascript
front-end for libgtweet. I tried to keep things simple in this basic
twitter client. It is multi-threaded and uses twitter's streaming API

Information about this javascript App is available under doc/README.pdf.
I would like to get some feedback about Gtweet and improvements to make
it better.

I'm a longtime gnome user who attempted for the first time to write this
kind of App. Very new to gnome development. So, forgive me if I made
some silly mistakes and design blunders.


Expecting eagerly,
Mohan R

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