== Personal Information ==
If you are accepted, fields in this section that are marked "(public)" will be displayed on a public acceptances page. If you prefer different information to be displayed publicly than you want to provide in this form, please provide both a private version visible only to the coordinators and mentors of the internship, and a public version to be displayed publicly.
Name (public): Daksh Shah
Preferred pronoun (e.g. she, he, they): He
IRC nick (public, optional): DakshShah
Twitter URL (public, optional):
Any other online presence URL you wish to provide:
Location (city, state/province, and country) (public): Delhi, India
Education completed or in progress (include university, major/concentration, degree level, and graduation year): In progress: Indraprastha Institute of Information Technology, Delhi (IIIT-D), B-Tech in Computer Science Engineering (CSE). Graduation Year: 2021
How did you hear about this internship?
Open Source Group Chat
== Project Information ==
What project are you interested in?
PipeWire portal system
Who is a possible mentor for the project you are interested in?
Please describe your experience with the GNOME community and GNOME projects as a user and as a contributor. Some experience with GNOME stack and some contributions to GNOME are required for considering the application. Include information and links to the contributions you made:
GNOME is definitely one of the biggest names in open source organizations. One of my earliest contributions in open source was with Sugar Labs, which involved GNOME-GTK.
Please describe your experience with the project you are interested to participate as a user and as a contributor and relevant areas. Include information and links to the contributions you made:
I know the basics about the project and have talked a little with the mentor. I was attending VDD ( and hence could not find a lot of time to be well versed with the project. I would love to get the opportunity to work and explore on this.
Please describe your experience with any other FOSS projects as a user and as a contributor:
I have completed Google Summer of Code this year, with VideoLAN. It has been a fantastic experience. It not only helps the society but also helps me improve and put my skills to practical use. It has been an enriching summer with a lot of learning and development. I worked on the macOS UI for VLC and I hope to get the changes merged soon in the upcoming releases :)
Please describe any relevant projects that you have worked on previously and what knowledge you gained from working on them (include links):
I am a part of a research group (Precog - ) which is based on the theme of "Privacy and Security). I have been researching on problem statements under that domain for almost a year now. It is fascinating for me to work in this field. I have gotten an A+ grade in "Introduction to Programming," and "Data Structures and Algorithms" courses in my college which indicate my proficiency in the mentioned areas. Also, I have been contributing to open source for about 5 years now and am fairly comfortable with tools like git. I am inquisitive and yearn to learn new things.
Please describe the details and the timeline of the work you plan to accomplish on the project you are most interested in (discuss these first with the mentor of the project):
The intricate details of the project are yet to be discussed and finalized.
Daksh Shah