Re: l10n packages

On Tue, 2007-11-20 at 16:12 -0800, ext Spencer, Bob wrote:
> I see packages named: 
>         hildon-fm-l10n-engb  
>   and   hildon-fm-l10n-english 
> also    hildon-libs-l10n-engb 
>   and   hildon-libs-l10n-english        
> What are the differences?  Have we just imported the same thing twice
> or are these fundamentally different? 

There shouldn't be any big differences. -english is "engineering
english" which should be mostly understandable, but not considered (or
maintained) product quality, -engb is "proper" english.

Tommi Komulainen                            <tommi komulainen nokia com>

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