How do you use categories and tags?

Hi there,

this post is about best practices when using hamster. Besides names for
tasks, there are tags, categories and detailed descriptions - how should
one use them?


While for descriptions the usage is clear - add details you don't need
to have statistics about. But for names, categories and tags the use is
not so clear.

One thing to note is that there is always one name and one category. But
for tags, it can be none, one, or multiple.

My usage pattern:

Currently I'm using names for describing the type of work I'm doing,
like reading, maintenance, programming, and so on. I'm using categories
for assigning this work to something you could name "employers", that's
"Unproductive" (for pauses, eating), "ProjectX" (my main task for wihch
I'm getting paid), "Teaching" and "Work" (for collecting everything else
that has to do with my employment).
I don't use tags at all.

How are you using tags, categories and names? Maybe if this discussion
turns out to be fruitful, we should add the information to the
documentation, a wiki or something.

Prior discussion:

I'm aware that there have been similar discussion before. I've read
through them and couldn't extract any useful information (except that
the person asking the question on the list had the same setup as I do).

Discussion on tags blog post:

Mailing list discussion:


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