Store activities in Tracker


You may know that Tracker (the gnome search tool) has now a 0.7 series that is way more powerful than the old 0.6 series.
Actually it let you store Everything in it, if the data you want to store is defined in an ontology file. Obviously you can create your own ontology.

I thought it would be interesting for hamster to store its data in Tracker because then other apps could query for activities even if hamster is not running, you could attach a whole desktop tag to an activity...

If you're interested in using Tracker please let me know, I'll try to do a patch and I'll send it for review. Note that using Tracker doesn't bring new dependencies as it is an external dependency of Gnome and tools like Zeitgeist already use it.
You can learn about ontologies and evaluate my proposal for a Time Tracking ontology here :

Thanks for reading.
Florent Thévenet

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