Question regarding installing GConf keys


I'm working on modifying Hamster to allow the user to configure what information the applet displays (i.e. just the Hamster logo in my case). So far it looks like I have to modify data/ and hamster/ and then change up some things in hamster/ to actually read the keys.
With regards to the GConf keys I've added a total of three keys: 
show_icon, show_activity_description and show_duration.
To actually install the GConf schema I manually executed:

gconftool --install-schema-file /usr/share/gconf/schemas//hamster-applet.schemas
Doing a make install didn't seem to do anything. Is that normal?

On a unrelated note I also don't understand why it's displaying all the WARNING: multiple <locale> nodes for locale warnings since all the locale tags are unique inside each schema.
By the way it would be totally awesome if instead of hardcoding 
everything and writing accesor/mutator methods in it 
would instead just automatically do this by looking at everything 
below/apps/hamster-applet/general and loading it automatically. This 
would also eliminate the duplication of the default values, since these 
are also defined in the schema.
Maybe there's already something out there that can be used.

If anybody has any hints regarding developing for Hamster please don't hold back :-)
Best regards,


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