Re: [Vala] Announce: Acme.Xml 0.1.0, wrapper for libxml2's xmlTextReader/xmlTextWriter API

Hi Richard and others!

On Fri, Aug 16, 2013 at 5:54 AM, Richard Schwarting <aquarichy gmail com> wrote:

Daniel's right that we'd love to have XmlTextReader and XmlTextWriter
wrapped in GXml; it's on the list of things to do, along with XPath and SAX.
If you'd like to merge your work eventually, feel free to use a branch in
the gxml repo. :)  I like your idea for XmlReader as a proxy class.

I'm glad to hear this! I don't have an account at, but
have been pushing to a gitorious repo. I now rebased this (manually
with git diff, I can't quite figure out how to use git rebase) on top
of the gsoc2013 branch with one big commit that I also append to this
mail as a patch. The commit message has a brief summary of the changes
and additions.

Branch is here:

Importantly, some classes are changing their names to comply with the W3C
DOM Level 1 Core spec, and the error handling methodology is changing to
comply with GError's intended usage (that is, we're switching to g_error):
the work there is mostly done in the branch gsoc2013 and will be merged

Yup, I have been reading about these changes on your blog! While I
haven't fully digested the question of what should and shouldn't be
considered programming errors in the DOM api, I agree that programming
errors shouldn't be exceptions here. This I think is also a problem
with the libxml2 API I think, where every function returns a -1 on
everything from passing NULL pointers to out of memory conditions to
parse errors and IO errors. Difficult to sort out what needs to be
handled and not. In XmlReader, I have used exceptions for two things:
IO errors and parsing errors. In XmlWriter, only IO errors.

It's another thing in languages like Java and C#, where you're not
forced to declare and check all exceptions.

There's the general desire to at some point replace the libxml2
implementation behind GXml with a native GObject one, but I'm not in any
hurry to do it because that's just more to maintain, and new bugs to fix.
Daniel, I previously discussed rewriting it in Vala, but at GUADEC there was
a strong concensus in favour of replacing it with native C, due to issues
with libraries written in Vala, particularly from the experience of the
libfolks developers (the most notable GNOME library written in Vala); again,
I'm in no hurry.

Very interesting to hear. I read something about that on the wiki page
for libfolks, I understand it's because new versions of vala will
cause API breaks and vala is not near a 1.0 version any time soon. So
basically what we're doing as a library that can guarantee stability
for Vala code only. That's good enough for me at the moment. Good to
keep in mind for the future, but for the moment let's just have fun
programming in Vala. :-)

I'm curious to hear more about what was said about this at GUADEC -
when you say consensus, was this discussed at some session or is it
just your impression when talking to various people? Also, have the
libfolks folks written anything about their experience somewhere?

libvala's library name is itself versioned (e.g. instead of checking that
libvala >= 0.18, it's actually libvala-0.18 >= 0.18, which I'm sure is
wrong).  I intend on copying what libfolks does to handle that.  Regarding

Not really sure why we need libvala? If I understand it correctly,
this is used for software that work with vala code itself, like
Valadoc and such. In my previous setup (acme) I just checked for the
existence of Valac with the AM_PROG_VALAC macro, this was inspired by
the SQLHeavy (a library with a nice GObjecty interface to SQLite
written in Vala) autotools setup. I tried this in gxml and it worked
fine (is included in my patch), is there anything I'm missing..?

NodeType, hehe, the stringification of enums was awesome when I discovered
it; I wrote that todo when I started this during GSOC 2011 and was
relatively new to Vala. :)

Ok! :-)

Hope you've had a good weekend,
Simon Kågedal Reimer

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