Hi all:
I am trying to ask the following question in encfs-users lists sourceforge net , but as the message is not getting through, I thought I might also ask here, in case someone can help in the meantime:
I am trying to use EncFS over WebDAV, as it is relatively easy to find free virtual disk ('cloud' drive) providers on the Internet that support WebDAV. You normally have to pay for other protocols, like SSH. I want my files to be encrypted, so that the provider and/or NSA cannot spy on my data.
I am using Kubuntu 14.04.4. The script I am developing to that purpose is here:
I got EncFS to work over a davfs2 mount. However, using 2 stacked FUSE filesystems leads to frozen kernel threads, see the comments in the script above more more details. So I am trying to mount the WebDAV drive with gvfs-mount now.
However, the gvfs-mount method only works partially. I can read files and create directories, but other operations, like copying a file with 'cp', fail:
cp: cannot create regular file ‘/home/rdiez/StratoHidrive/MountpointEncrypted1/Test/mount-strato.sh’: Operation not supported
I have already invested quite a lot of time for this seemingly easy task. Before I dig further, I wanted to know if this problem is already known. If not, what would be the easiest way to find out what operation failed? i heard that no all file operations are supported over WebDAV / gvfs-mount.
Please copy me on any e-mails, as I am not subscribed to this list.
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