backend question

Hi All

I maintain a gvfs backend for the synce project, representing the file
system of an attached Windows Mobile device.

It usually hangs together quite well, but I discovered a fairly large
problem recently, and would appreciate a hint.

If I copy a directory from the remote filesystem it fails. This appears
to be because gvfs requests a read on the directory path. Note that an
enumerate works fine.

When I initiate the copy, I see the following sequence of calls to my
backend code.

query_info on the directory name
enumerate on the directory
query_info on the directory name
query_fs_info on the filesystem
query_info on the directory name
query_info on the directory name
query_info on the directory name
open_for_read on the directory name

I guess I should be including something in query_info that I've missed,
but I can't see what, besides setting file type to directory and content
type to inode/directory.

Any suggestions ?


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