Re: [patch] three simple patches


>  1. Add myself and my backends to the AUTHORS file. Dunno why they were
>     missing.
Please commit. Sorry, wasn't on purpose, I promise! (-: Also feel free
to commit that also to stable.

>  2. Unbreak the gphoto2 backend. See the archives where consensus was
>     reached that only for 2.22 the gphoto2 backend was to be disabled
>     like this. Better get this into HEAD early.
Yes, go ahead.

>  3. Add an --unmount-scheme option to gvfs-mount. This is primarily
>     useful in wrappers for legacy programs not yet using gio. So for
>     e.g. for gthumb or f-spot in F9 I was planning to use this for
>     in exec wrapper. But see [1].
Don't we just call exit () to do the "unmount". If so that could very
well mess up something. I am going to look at the bug you filed after
the release tomorrow. I will see to get the clean shutdown patch in
after the release soon.

Thanks and cheers,

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